The group gave me skills, confidence and introduced me to appliqué. Applique is a fun and creative way to use fabric scraps. Here are a couple of cushions I made:
The blue wings on the second owl are from a fabric I purchased in Japan about 8 years ago!! I bought the fabric to make a cushion for my mum, but never had this one in mind. Because the silky material wasn't ideal for appliqué, I bought some iron-on interfacing. The pink Chinese material was bought when I was travelling with Mum - in Hong Kong from memory. Originally cushion covers, parts were looking worn so I felt this was a nice way to reuse the still ok parts.
I have also been making more bibs. I was so excited when I found this material at an opshop:
I am planning to make cushions and maybe a play rug. I love that the material is a bit of a literacy prompt - where is the nest? Can you find an 'L'? The opposite side is made from an old towel - absorbent for drooling or cleaning up after meals.
Next projects, sewing-wise, are gathering on my Chotto Nanna Pinterest board.
Also on the go: making a play kitchen from a thrifted set of shelves…
This has been a joint effort with my husband. Lots of fun - for us and our daughter!
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